
M.Sc. EE,IT,CE - Systems and Automation
RWTH-Aachen, Germany
Mar. 2020 - now

Exchange student
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Feb. 2018 - Jun. 2018

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Jun. 2014 - Jun. 2018


IfU Cybernetics Lab - Mobile Robotic Group
Student assistant in UrbANT project
Sep. 2020 - now

ADLINK Technology - Advanced Robot Platform Group
ROS R&D Intern
Sep. 2019 - Feb. 2020

Compulsory Military Service
Sep. 2018 – JAN. 2019

Mobile Autonomous Systems and Cognitive Robotics Institute, FH Aachen
Undergraduate researcher
Feb. 2018 – Jun. 2018

Medical Robotics Laboratory, NTUST
Undergraduate researcher
Feb. 2016 – Jun. 2018


2 nd Place, RoboCup TeenSize Humanoid League Soccer Game in Japan
-- Humanoid soccer robot in fully automation
Jul. 2017

1 st Place, FIRA RoboWorld HuroCup Adult Robots
-- Athletic robot doing marathon, archery, obstacle run, weightlifting, etc.
Aug. 2017

1st Place, Intelligent Humanoid Robotics HuroCup Adult Robots Taiwan
-- Athletic robot doing marathon, archery, obstacle run, weightlifting, etc.
May 2017

Honorable mention, Robot Competition – Domestic Industrial Robot
-- Industrial 5-axis parallel robot arm design and implementation.
Sep. 2016

Participation, Hebocon Taiwan
-- Shitty uncontrollable robot sumo
May. 2015


RoboticsOperating systemVersion Control
ROS, ROS2LinuxGit
Programming LanguageSimulation and Analysis
C,Python, HTML, Kernel scriptMatlab, Simulink
Embedded SystemLanguage
NUC, IPC, Arduino, Raspberry piMandarin (Native), English(Fluent), German(B1), Japanese(A2)

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